[ANDERSON SILVA KILLER BEE LOGO] Design direction, creative content, Digital design, logo design, story telling created for MMA champion Andersson Silva (2003).

[ANDERSON SILVA] MMA brand design created for Anderson Silva Killer Bees Muay Thai College (Curitiba, Brazil - 2003) Design, art direction, branding, project management: Logo, mascot, naming, colorways, brand manual, story telling.

[ANDERSON SILVA] MMA brand design created for Anderson Silva Killer Bees Muay Thai College (Curitiba, Brazil - 2003) Design, art direction, branding, project management: Logo, mascot, naming, colorways, brand manual, story telling.

[KILLER BEES LOGO] MMA brand design created for Anderson Silva Killer Bees Muay Thai College (Curitiba, Brazil - 2003) Design, art direction, branding, project management: Logo, mascot, naming, colorways, brand manual, story telling.

[ANDERSON SILVA] MMA brand design created for Anderson Silva Killer Bees Muay Thai College (Curitiba, Brazil - 2003) Design, art direction, branding, project management: Logo, mascot, naming, colorways, brand manual, story telling.

[SHOGUN MMA TEAM] Shogun Team logo brand design & story telling.

[SHOGUN MMA TEAM] Shogun Team logo brand design & story telling.

[SHOGUN MMA TEAM] Shogun Team logo brand design & story telling.

[CHUTEBOXE TEAM] Chuteboxe Curitiba MMA training with Wand and Mauricio Shogun (2004).



Logo created for Andre Dida, 2012. MMA Fight team: Wanderlei Silva, Rafael Cordeiro, Fabricio Werdum, Mauricio Shogun, Sergio Moraes among others.

First logo sketch for Evolução Thai MMA.


MMA Idols: Wanderlei Silva, Serginho Moraes and Mauricio Shogun with Andre Dida and his Evolucao Thai MMA logo by Tobin Dorn.

Evolução Thai MMA team logo, by Tobin Dorn, created for Andre Dida and his crew of MMA assassins.